A Government Form that Isn't Miserable
Designed and developed a portal for submitting government forms that is actually pleasant to use
Sketch of a man teaching/pontificating (a clock and calendar are placed behind him)
Project Context

A couple months after I started, the Development Manager sent me a list of requirements and the recording of a walk-through the client had done on their current system. With that, he asked me to start designing the first new product the company had made in over a decade.

An OSHA training center contracted with us to build a website where:

  • They could credential trainers to provide OSHA training
  • Their trainers could submit the reports for classes taught
  • They could review those reports to ensure they met all government requirements
  • Trainers could pay for their cards and order reprints
  • OSHA cards would be printed and mailed to the trainers once the reports had been approved
PRODUCT The OSHA Training Program Report (OTPR) - a government form to be submitted for review and approval
DATE September 2018 - February 2019
ROLE Product Designer, UI Designer, Developer
Evan BlevinsSenior Developer
Lisa LondonClient Liaison
Matt HendersonProduct Owner
  • Watched the walk-through of the client’s current system and noted pain points/areas for improvement
  • Met one-on-one with the primary users of the application to ask questions, gather requirements, and get feedback on proposed solutions
  • Had multiple whiteboard sessions with the development team to identify data/display templates and organize the site's pages under the appropriate templates
  • Met with clients every couple weeks throughout the development process to update them on progress and get feedback on features
  • Created a product that has received enthusiastic praise from our client and their trainers
    • According to their Training Coordinator, our portal is one of the primary reasons trainers move from their current training center
  • Minimized back and forth between trainer and ATO
    • The form now checks for errors prior to submission, documents all errors, and (within allowed government regulations) provides trainers with the necessary information to correct or explain errors
  • Provided a more intuitive communication method by moving the messaging system into the form so that feedback would be ready-at-hand while making the needed edits