photo of me


I’m Becca — a designer and developer from Dallas, TX. After receiving my master’s in Digital Humanities1, I’ve spent the last 2.5 years working as a developer and unofficial product designer for a company in College Station.

I took a circuitous route to UX Design — an undergrad degree in biochem2 and two years working at a bookstore3 before enrolling in a master’s program where I hoped to learn to code4.

In my first Human-Centered Design class I discovered a subject that intuitively made sense to me5 and combined two of my favorite things – I got to solve problems while having a visible impact on actual people.

I think the two most important values in UX Design are empathy and respect – not just keeping users in mind, but respecting their time, their privacy, and their goals – caring about them enough to understand what they really want to accomplish and devising a solution that helps without getting in their way.

Outside of work, I enjoy reading, traveling6, and occasionally getting up early enough to do yoga.

Please reach out on LinkedIn if you’d like to get in touch!

  1. Digital Humanities is a field that overlaps with Human-Computer Interaction but that grew out of humanities - rather than computer science - departments
  2. I thought I might want to be a doctor
  3. The obvious next choice when you decide you don’t want to go to medical school
  4. At the time I barely knew how to bold text in html, but I was lucky not to know how much I didn’t know
  5. After being assigned select passages from them, I immediately went out and bought Don Norman’s The Design of Everyday Things and two of Edward Tufte’s books on data visualization and read them cover-to-cover
  6. At least I did in the before times
10 of my favorite things


Parks & Rec

Overly-complicated board games

Hiking in the Rockies

NPR podcasts

Star Wars

Schitt's Creek


Really good bourbon